刚开始学django,用的是django book 2.0的教程。感觉这个教程比官方文档更容易入门,但因为这个教程针对的版本有些低,而我下的是django 1.8的版本。所以还是边看边练的时候还是有些坑啊。把遇到的问题在这里记录下
$ python manage.py startapp books
在setting.py中,找到INSTALLED_APPS,把新建的APP,books加进去,如下。《django book2.0》中,是"mysite.books",在1.8中这样加会报错,找不到该应用
'books', )
1.编辑完models.py后,验证模型是否准确。应使用python manage.py check。
$ python manage.py validate
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/distpackages/Django-1.8.8-py2.7.egg/django/core/management/commands/validate.py:15: RemovedInDjango19Warning: "validate" has been deprecated in favor of "check". RemovedInDjango19Warning)
2.查看模型models.py会在数据库中运行怎样的sql,使用 python manage.py sqlall books 会报如下错误
CommandError: App 'books' has migrations. Only the sqlmigrate and sqlflush commands can be used when an app has migrations.
$ python manage.py makemigrations books
Migrations for 'books': 0001_initial.py: - Create model Author - Create model Book - Create model Publisher - Add field publisher to book
$ python manage.py sqlmigrate books 0001
BEGIN; CREATE TABLE `books_author` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(60) NOT NULL, `email` varchar(254) NOT NULL); .....
$ python manage.py migrate
Operations to perform: Apply all migrations: books Running migrations: Rendering model states... DONE Applying books.0001_initial... OK